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Tour Program / Monthly Activity Plan

Advance month tour planning with multiple options helps any company to make better analysis about next month forecast of coverage of targeted areas, clients, doctors and retailers. Check options and utilities of Tour Program below:

Tour Planning

Admin Tour Utilities :

  • Final Approval Authority – Admin panel have final approval, deletion and edit authority in the system.
  • Tour At A Glance – Compare at a glance reports in single page in admin panel.
  • Dashboad Alerts – Check the alerts on Dashboard.
  • Tour Deviation – All kind of deviation in tour reports.
  • Analysis – Analyze tour program report with many angles.

Manager Tour Utilities :

  • Tour Creation By App - Manager can approve their team's tour program hierarchy wise with edit facility and also submit his own tour program as per his planning.
  • Tour By Web – All the managers hierarchy wise have the facility to approve their junior’s tour planning as per company policy. Even all managers are allowed to feed their tour with two types of options as per company policy in web version.
  • Approval Based Activity – Hierarchy wise tour approval system helps the companies to make perfect planning.
  • Automation Solution – Manager app automatically gets updated regarding his day to day tour alert on app without any delay.

Employee Tour Utilities :

  • Tour Creation By App- Employee can manage their tour program with app itself, no need to go to website if company is using app services.
  • Tour By Web – There two types of tour programs are available in web version; every employee is free to create their advance tour planning according to company policy.
  • Approval Based Activity – Employee can work only after approval of tour by managers or admin.
  • Automation Along With Money Saving - SFA automatically update every single employee with date wise Tour Alert. No need to buy any kind of SMS Gateway for tour info. This makes a sence to save total money as most of companies buy SMS Gateway to inform their employees about todays Tour Info.