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Daily Call Reporting Software

DCR – Daily Call Report is submitted by every employee on the basis of whole day working. Daily Call Reporting Software and module helps the company to get real time task done by whole team at a glance. There are multiple types of Daily Call Reporting option available in SFA as every company has its own way of working.

Daily Call Reporting App

Admin Utilities in Daily Call Reporting Software :

  • Deep Inside View – Company can analyze all kind of DCR reports as per their convenience.
  • Automatic Attendance – As per DCR Reports, software will generate attendance automatically.
  • Matrix Reports – Analyze total DCRs to compare manager and employee workings.
  • DCR Master Status – One go report to check complete month Daily Call Report Status.
  • Joint Work Analysis – Admin have the access to all kind of joint work status with Sr. Managers also.
  • DCR Locking – Admin can lock their teams DCR as per company policies.

Manager Utilities in App and Online Daily Call Reporting :

  • Joint and Self Working – Manager or senior managers can submit their Joint worked DCR Report through Online and App as per company permissions.
  • Day Type DCR – All managers can submit their Daily Call Report as per their day type like: Working, Meeting, Leave, Holiday, Transit, Training and etc.
  • Visits Submission – With App and Web, they are free to submit their visits to clients, doctors, retailers, party, distributors or customers and so on.
  • DCR Remarks – Submit their DCR Remarks as per their need.
  • Expense Submission – On daily basis all managers can feed their expenditure as per day activities.

Employee Utilities in App and Online Daily Call Reporting :

  • Joint Work with Multiple Managers – Employee can select multiple seniors in single window.
  • Activity Details – In app and web, employee can submit his visit details as per activities whole through the day.
  • Sample and Distribution Details – While submitting their visits, they are free to feed sample and gift issue to the targeted persons.
  • Expense Claim – Variable expense can be submitted by app and web on daily basis.