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Delivery Tracking

All consumer Good and FMCG Companies heavily concerned about timely delivery of their product to retailer and clients. SFA offers a unique solution for field force and delivery team to manage all their delivery activity on Android app to resolve issues like delay delivery. Some of the top FMCG and consumer goods companies are using delivery tracking app and successfully reducing lacunas of delay services.

Delivery Tracking App

Facts of Delivery Tracking App and Software :

  • Who can use product delivery tracking – All the companies those need to deliver product to retailer or clients through their own delivery team like fmcg, consumer goods, publishers , courier services or modern trade companies.
  • Real Time Tracking Via App – Every delivery team will use SFA Delivery Tracking App while going for their routine delivery. As the delivery done punched, you can check their actual Location on respective panel.
  • Van inventory Solution – It helps to get updated with stock balance in van so that you can accept instant delivery if there is stock available . It makes a sense of full utilization of time and money.
  • Delivery Vs Booking – It also help to company to book order if there is no balance product so that there will be no loss of the order.