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Salary Management Software

SFA offers salary management software for sales force companies to manage all kind of expense and salary related activities through cloud based program. Company is free to use the tool as per their policies without any issue. All employees activity automatically saved in centralized system and generate all kind of salary related report at a glance.

Salary Management

Utilities and Facts of Salary Management Software and Module :

  • Salary Heads – As per company policy, you need to create salary heads in salary management software. With salary head utility, you can easily define the heads Like TD, DA, Basic, HRA and so on as per need.
  • Salary Percentage – Add percentage on behalf of basic or gross as per policy. It will help to calculate salary as per assigned formula.
  • Salary Code – Code system help the companies to assign different pay scale to same designated employees.
  • Auto Attendance Calculation – Getting connected with attendance system helps to generate the salary month to month any time, no need to fetch and submit attendance data in tool.
  • Pay Slip – company can set the date for pay slip generation and software automatically works as per need. All employees can download their pay slip and payment statement from their panel itself.
  • Company Salary Analysis – Company can analyze salary reports with many formats as required.