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MIS Reports

MIS means Management Information System and report of MIS that can be accessed as per hierarchy in any organization. SFA provides all kinds of MIS reports to pharma & FMCG companies to evaluate business and team performance as per their daily reports submitted in cloud based centralized system and evaluation helps the companies to take further decision as per need.

MIS Reports

MIS reports at a Glance :

  • Monthly Activity – Monthly activity reports help to analyze complete work details of all employees at a glance. Most of the companies use monthly activity report as per their formats and MR Reporting customizes same formats as per their need.
  • Tour At A Glance – Normally, all field force work on tour program system and all the employees need to submit their monthly tour planning in advance so that company authorities can make changes as per their need. With tour at a glance, you can check all upcoming routes of every employee.
  • Visit vs Productivity – Every company want to know about the productivity of particular month as per field force activity in the field. Here with MIS reports, you can easily compare or diagnose deep inside the productivity of every employee.
  • Much More To Access – MR Reporting have lots of reports and modules in the software to manage complete performance of the company.