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Incentive And Scheme Management

Sometimes, companies use incentive schemes to boost their sales but changes the schemes on frequent basis. That is why every company works on tools so that they can manage all there activity with ease. MR Reporting provides a customized solution for incentive and scheme management as per company requirement.

Incentive Management

Facts and Utilization of Incentive and Scheme Module :

  • Employee Wise Incentives – You can easily assign incentive policy as per different employee and designations.
  • Product Wise Incentive – Make product wise incentive through admin panel and assign between dates as per need to boost the sales growth of selected product on the basis of sales chart.
  • Sales Incentives – Many companies create slabs for incentive schemes as per pro data basis on sales of last six months to streamline low performers.
  • Party wise Scheme – Sometimes, companies implement new schemes only for parties and retailers to control the dump product stock so that loss can be minimized.
  • Growth Analysis – You can easily analyze the growth on the basis of customized reports as per your need.