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Sample & Gift Tracking

Pharmaceutical companies invest heavily in Samples and Gifts to promote their product in the market but medical representatives manipulate for their personal interest and it cost to company pocket. Sampling to doctor is mandatory otherwise it is not possible to sell product without prescription, also helps to companies to get better information of their product influence on the diseases. SFA has developed sample and gift distribution module to analyze deep inside of employee and doctor activities.

Sample & Gift Distribution

Sample & Gift Distribution Solution :

  • Admin have authority to issue samples and gifts to employee and managers as per company policy through admin panel.
  • Medical Reps and Managers can issue samples and gifts to targeted doctor or retailers and feed details in their daily call reports.
  • Manager and medical rep both can feed their sample and gift issue details through both options web and mobile app.
  • Both Managers and Medical reps can request to company for more samples and gifts as per their need by simple request form.
  • Samples and Gifts issue mapping with location tracking helps company to clear doubt about employee sincerity.
  • Analytical Reports of Sample and Gift Issue – SFA has developed lots of analytical reports for many companies as per their need.