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Intra Mailing System

Most of the sales force companies use third party email services for their communication or using free services like Gmail, yahoo, hotmail or rediffmail. Personal email ids are also not secure for any organization as all your company personal data stay to personal id and at the time of resignation you are not able to takeover your company data. Both options do not make a sense to communicate about your company planning and strategy over these platforms. As one cost you heavily and other is not safe for you.

But SFA Inter emailing system helps you to control over privacy plus cost as it is free in SFA software and you can block any account any time.

Intra Mailing

Fact and Utilization of Intra Mailing Software :

  • Admin Control – Company software admin have full control over intra mailing software. Admin can block any ID any time as per need.
  • Easy to Use – It is very easy to use as no need to remember the email id as there is simple selection option whom you want to send the email.
  • Bulk Email Solution – You can send bulk emails in your organization at one click.
  • Attachments – Same like other platform, you can attach multiple file at one go.
  • Enrich Text editor – SFA had developed the enrich text editor for easy formatting of email.